Here at LGTC Group, we are the first in the Bay Area to bring Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation to people who otherwise might not have access to this level of care due to barriers. The obstacles of transportation issues or barriers that might hinder their access to care by bringing our state-of-the-art machine directly to our established clients.
We ask that the first appointment be with our team at the Union office in San Jose, CA. They will establish a treatment plan and you will get fitted for a cap. We want to ensure a proper course of treatment and have found that this initial appointment is best held in our cutting-edge TMS clinic.
What is TMS, and is it right for me?
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation is an alternative approach that uses electromagnetic currents to stimulate the brain. This approach is FDA-approved for treatment-resistant Depression and is on track to be approved to treat other mental illnesses.
More information about TMS can be found in our Blog post: Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: A Promising Frontier in Mental Health Treatment
Why put TMS in a Van?
We noticed that some people who are living with treatment-resistant mental health difficulties were also struggling with transportation to and from their sessions. We thought it might be helpful to bring treatment to those clients because here at LGTC Group, we don’t let barriers obstruct care from those who need it.
We made TMS mobile because it might be helpful for companies that are making mental health a priority. We know how beneficial TMS can be for people who feel nothing else has worked. Companies prioritizing mental health might schedule our van to come to their business and administer TMS to the employees on their lunch break. A typical session ranges between 20-30 minutes but can leave employees with a lifetime of emotional stabilization.
How do I know if I qualify for TMS treatment using my insurance coverage?
The first step is to see your psychiatrist and ask if you have met the criteria. Every insurance policy has different coverage for treatment, and the stipulations for coverage differ. Here at LGTC, our providers want what is best for their clients. If they feel TMS is a treatment option for you, they will explore the whole procedure with you and send your insurance verification of benefits, so you are clear on cost share, if there is any.
The first step is to go on our website; you can explore the other services we offer since our robust team is leading the industry in treatment approaches in the Bay Area. All our services require the client to first fill out an online registration form. This registration button will pop up on the home screen of our website under the statement, “Serving your mental health needs is our top priority.” After registering, our team of admissions specialists will reach out at the number provided to set up an assessment. The assessment will establish the level of care you need and ensure you are best supported.
If I qualify, do I have to pay anything for the mobile access?
Our team can drive anywhere within twenty-five miles of our Union location free of charge. If you are a company looking to host our van for your work family, please get in touch with our team.
Most importantly, we learned what happens when you add life-saving mental health resources like TMS to a mobile van. That is called making mental health more accessible.